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Jina Kim


2011 서울대학교 보건대학원 보건학 석사

Research interests
유방암, 맘모그램 밀도

Projects involved

새로운 유전성 유방암 관련 유전자 탐색
국제 쌍둥이 연구 컨소시엄 구축: 비만 및 심혈관계 질환 불일치 쌍의 쌍둥이-대조군 연구


Design and Analysis of Genetic-based Association Studies (2013)
A Short Course on Biostatistics and Genome Epidemiology (2013)
Genetic Analyses Workshop (2012)
American Society of Human Genetics (2010)
American Society of Human Genetics (2009)


Genetic factors contributing to Metabolic syndrome: the Healthy Twin Study in Korea (2010)
Influence of genetics, smoking, age and obesity on urine metabolomic profiles among healthy Korean adult men – the Healthy Twin Study (2009)